Mission and Values

The Mission We Share

Inviting fellow wanders to find a place in God’s love story together.

A Vision of What We See to Come

A church that is radically living out Jesus’ announcement in Luke 4, of preaching good news to the poor, proclaiming release to prisoners, recovery of sight to the blind, liberating the oppressed, and proclaiming the Lord’s favor.

Values That Guide US

Life Long Learning

We believe being a follower of Jesus is being a student of the Scriptures, allowing the Scriptures to say things we’ve never thought to think and to learn new things from the world around us.

We demonstrate this by being open-minded, allowing new perspectives and teachings to inform our following Christ.


We believe being a follower of Jesus is a life modeled on the service Jesus shows us in the Gospels.

We demonstrate this by showing love to our neighbors, ensuring justice, and standing with people in solidarity.

First Fruits

We believe being a follower of Jesus is offering our best to God, the community we share, and the neighbors we discover.

We demonstrate this by sacrificing talent, time, and treasure to God, our community, and our neighbor.


We believe being a follower of Jesus requires persistent decisions, that move us closer to the way Jesus lived, not only in action but also in His invitation to others to join Him on the journey.

We demonstrate this by making choices that move us closer to Jesus and further away from sin and inviting others to join us on our journey.

Milestones That Let Us Know We Are on the Right Track

  • We believe that worship is a lifestyle we inhabit; part of the Christian journey is pursuing the worship of Jesus in every situation.

  • We believe that following Jesus should bring us closer to things that bring life over things that bring death. Part of the journey is avoiding temptation for things that would hurt ourselves, our families, and our community.

  • We believe that following Jesus should bring us peace instead of fear. As we listen to the Spirit, we should become more peaceful, not more fearful.

  • Following Jesus is a life filled with hope. As we begin to trust Jesus, we begin to trust that His hope is big enough for anything the future brings.

  • Jesus repeatedly demonstrated that His love knows no boundaries, whether it was prostitutes, tax collectors, friends, or enemies. He chose love over hatred. Even to the point of death on a cross. Through the power of the Spirit, we choose to love over hate.